Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Top of the Morning to Ya!

I have always looked forward to starting our own family traditions. This St. Patrick's day we dressed in our best green and I whipped up a "lucky" snack. I missed out on the corned beef and cabbage this year though!


We celebrated Alexis's birthday much different than last year. This year was much more low key. She requested cake and mac n cheese for her birthday dinner and that's exactly what she got. She had her little buddy Liam and his parents over and we ate, hung out, and opened presents. The weekend continued with more presents from her grandparents, aunts, and of course us, and I swear that it looked like it was Christmas around here. We headed up to Wisconsin Dells, touted the waterpark capital of the world, to celebrate. Alexis ended up not really liking the waterpark much, but she did enjoy staying at the hotel. However, Nolan did enjoy the water very much! I find it very hard to believe that my "baby" is now 2 years old. She is quite the independent little girl and is very healthy and happy. Its so fun cause I never know what she will say next!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Hello there! So, I am fairly new to the blogging world, but I'm excited to get started. I am trying to figure out how to do the layout of this thing, but I'm sure the more I do it the better I will get. I have lots of ideas and now have a place to put them. For now this is a going to be a hodge podge of information, but hopefully you enjoy!

So for those of you that don't know me, here are some fun facts about me...

  1. I was born in PA, went to college in SC and NC, and now live in WI
  2. I am a proud Clemson Tiger and have a large amount of orange and purple clothing in my closet!
  3. I love cooking- I gather inspiration from a variety of sources and hardly ever make the same thing twice. I love trying new recipes and ingredients!
  4. I am a proud mother of two small kids- a girl, Alexis, age 2 and a boy, Nolan, age 6 months...as you can probably imagine my life can be complete chaos
  5. I married my college sweetie in 2005
  6. I have 4 pets- two dogs, Snickers and Skittles, and two cats, Littlejohn and Calhoun- all were rescued
  7. I am the clinic manager of an addiction facility with 350 patients

Ok well there are some basic facts and I'm sure you will learn more along the way! Thanks for joining me on this journey.